Lancer: Fort Carnifex

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Assorted artwork for FORT CARNIFEX, a short Lancer campaign I played in during 2024, about a Union mech squadron serving as the last bastion before a reactionary uprising in the Karrakin Trade Baronies. This was my first time getting to be on the player side of the table for Lancer and it was a lot of fun. Naturally ended up drawing the whole squad, as well as some of the NPCs we ran into.

My character was Lazzat Vitali, callsign "RIPPER", a Sanjaki refugee, ex-smuggler & second-in-command of the squad.

Pilots of the 505th UNMC Mechanized Chassis Squadron (formerly Baronic Unified Forces 1-Gosport), stationed at Fort Carnifex during the Second Khayradi Intervention, 5017u. Left to Right:

  • Second Lt. Zephaniah “Zeffrey” de MickBryarwood-Jaxon, Callsign BROWN SUGAR
  • First Lt. Lazzat Vitali, Callsign RIPPER (XO)
  • Captain Riya Loxley, Callsign WEAVER (CO)
  • Junior Lt. Saturn Lee, Callsign BLUE CHEESE
  • Junior Lt. Milo Eskelia, Callsign MILK BOY
  • The Khayradi Intervention of 5012u was the crisis that followed the first declaration of secession by the Karrakin House of Stone, spearheaded by Baron Altia of the unrecognized "Annorum Cannamos", from the wider Trade Baronies & more broadly from Union space. Although not formally opposed by Union's Central Committee, in line with the doctrine of non-intervention in Karrakin affairs, the initial seccesion led to the establishment of a peacekeeping mission on Khayradin & the integration of several loyalist Baronic Unified Forces units into the Union Navy Marine Corps.

    Over the next five years, an uneasy state of truce would persist on Khayradin while secession negotiations continued, with the UNMC establishing a network of autonomous bases across the planet and working to keep the situation between the seperatists and Karrakin authorities from escalating. Ultimately, this resulted in the Union bases becoming the focus of ire from Khayradi conservatives, especially as rumours spread that Union intelligence was actively formenting discontent among the ignoble bound workers of major aristocratic estates.

    This situation came to a head in 5017u, when irregular seperatist militias began rapidly escalating attacks against Union bases - chief among them Fort Carnifex, situated near the planetary capital of Gosport. With limited support from Cradle, the mechanized cavalry of the Fort were forced to fend for themselves against overwhelming odds.

    Notable individuals involved in the Carnifex Front of the Second Intervention. Left to Right:

  • Major Magrath, First Officer for the Carnifex Military District, UNMC
  • Commander Abner Eskelia, Callsign JOHNNYBOY. Officer of the Khayradi seperatists & older brother of Milo Eskelia. Asshole.
  • Lady Sophia Doubleday, Callsign GINGER GREEN. Seperatist officer & scion of House Doubleday, an ennobled facsimile clone lineage. "Lazzat's red-headed problem."
  • Pasaran "Paz" Vitali. Younger brother of Lazzat Vitali & Ontologistics student at the Gosport Baronic-Metropolitan University of Technology.